Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thought #005

an Apple a Day, keeps the Doctor away...
a Carrot a day, keeps the Diseases away !!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thought #004

Life is a free fall ! Just slide through the life without any expectations.
You can also choose stairs. But in Stairs you may have to expect something. . .
Choose yours !!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thought #003

There should not be any Full stop (.) or Question mark (?) in your life !
Keep Running till the End of your LIFE,,,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thought #002

Assume nothing,
expect Little,
Do more,
demand Less,
Laugh a lot,
pray Always,
Cry never,
smile Often,
Dream Big,
& Achieve It . . . 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thought #001

Clear destiny can only be seen slowly . . .
When hurried, we tend to choose wrong ones !
Life is one, So play well.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jokes #009

It's only little things in Life which hurts.
You want to know What and How . . . ?
You can easily reach & sit on top of the mountain, But
Not on top of a Pin . . .    
LIFE is like that !!! Face the Problem, Don't be afraid of it....
When you get hurt, Just wipe it and continue the rest of the Job...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Phi #009

We always fear for the dark,
We never realized that,
When we have exposure to the outside World,
Our LIFE automatically lightens up. . .

Monday, April 2, 2012

Phi #008

                      Sometimes, you wanted to hold every one close to you which includes all your friends, lover, well wishers, relatives, wife, son everybody in your known circle.
But very unfortunately few are not interested in that and tend to move away from you.
You cannot stop them doing that. Nevertheless you may consider that they are taking time to understand you and very soon they will return to your circle as close as possible...
After all, Hope is the Rope of Life . . .