Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Photography

Hi everyone,
For a change am just posting two Foto's Today . . . The two fotos were taken at the same location but with different set up's ... Hope you Enjoy it ...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Theist and Atheist

                                Today’s topic in my Blog is a long debatable topic running for years (Still answer not found in an agreeable manner). May be let me give a try to get a satisfactory answer.
                                       “ God is there or Not ? “ (A very simple topic to Analyze). I would say God is just like dis Flower, The more you water(Believe) – the more She(God) lives.
                                First everyone should understand the question deeply “ God is there or Not ? “. Unfortunately every one tends to answer either Yes or No. But upon my Vision the answer I would say – ‘It is just a Belief’. This is suitable for both Theist and Atheist… If one believes God is there, then God will be there to help him. If one says some superstitious powers are there, then Luck favors him/her. If one believes there is no God, then Hard work favors them. Ultimately one pursues whatever he/she thinks and even attains those by different forms of Belief.
Everything is Pre-written Nothing can be Re-written”…
                               Well If you ask me what are you? I would be glad to answer that I am a strong believer of God. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Les yeux sont le miroir de l'dme

                               “ Mustache is the mirror of Heart “ is a well known proverb from Shakespeare. Similar there is also another proverb “ The Face is the index of the Mind “ and it was derived actually from the French saying, ‘Les yeux sont le miroir de l'dme’ (Means: The eyes are the mirror of the soul)… They both enlighten about reflection of your Mind/Heart from some thing else…
                                 So Reflection is there with everything. Even the healthy Nature has its own reflections. It also matters how you take up things. There is one more saying “There are two sides to every question” means ‘There are always two ways of looking at something’… So be careful at each step of your Life…
                                I shot the above Picture in Tulips Garden at Netherlands...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Two aspects of Human Being

                                  The foto has only White flowers but unfortunately due to the time of Sun set, it looks as if it is Yellowish-White in color. Similarly behavior of Humans also varies in two categories. One behavior to themselves and Second behavior to Others. You can never judge a person, Just by What he/she says or How he/she Looks. If you want to understand a person, be a friend to him/her, You can Feel them rather than understanding them. This what I had learnt in life... 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Creativity . . .

Can You Guess, Watz the below given Foto is all about ???
My thought towards the picture is " Some consecutive Mummies held together " ...
(Press on the Picture to view in Larger format, and Press Back button to go back...)

                            Well today the topic in my Blog is Creativity... Everyone is definitely blessed with Creativity in any one Platform. Let’s start with Baby to Old Person, Baby makes others Happy just with its Laugh, Kid makes others Smile with his/her Lies, A teenage Boy/Girl thinks creatively to make his/her Lover Happy, a Middle aged Person creates an Identity in his/her Office, an Old person tells Creative Stories to his/her Grand Children… Similarly you have to dig in yourself to find out your area of creativity, and " Create a value to your Creativity "…
                       Now the above foto was shot lying in the sideways on the boulevard in the Eifel National Park after zooming in of the below given picture. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

One of My Best Photographs. . .

                                   Well to explain about this shot in one word, It took lot of time to take dis shot...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Memorable Moments

                                You can always guide your Kid for their well being. Nevertheless, you should not impose your attitude to them. If you does that definitely they won’t refuse, but there is time for every Act of Realization. When they Realize, they feel bad, then you feel embarrassed. When the kid turns back to see his/her life span, it would be cloned form of yourself who lived in their Life. He/ she dint live their Life. It means you lived your Second Life. It means the kid is not worth living.
                                God’s best gift to the World is Freedom. Everyone lack in it So that any person can take over others and control them. India got freedom long before, now we will give true freedom to every citizen of the world. I don’t know about others but my policy is not to interfere in anyone’s life, Let it b mom, dad or sister/brother. So people follow your own policies and make your life and your Kid’s life as memorable as this flowers,…

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lovable Flower

                           Love is very simple like a flower. If you give it to a girl, it adds value to the flower itself and to the girl. But if you don't give it at the right time or If you refuse your love, the flower will die as soon as it can. Here I meant the flower as "Love". Love is very precious just like a Flower. It doesn't come to all, One must be lucky enough to get the Love they want. But if you don't get the desired love don't worry you are far more Lucky than those who Love. . . Be optimistic :-)
                          This foto was again shot on Tulips Garden - Netherlands . . .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Colorful path

                             If you enjoy the path towards to your destiny, Then the Destiny would always be painful. But if you see and enjoy the destiny, certainly the Path would be engraved with flowers. Even if a thorn appears in between, you won't feel it hard to walk through… In the same way some years later when you turn around and observe your travelled path, I am sure you can find only blossomed flowers not any withered leaves . . .
                            Well I shot this Picture in Tulip Gardens – Netherlands . . . Hope you enjoyed it. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Begin d Life with Love All

                                (Money) and (Things/ any Non living things/ Articles/ any other stuff) are proportional to each other. If you have Money you can buy any stuff and for making Money you can sell any stuff which you have. But again, if you think deep, both are not yours. . . The money which you own today is owned by other tomorrow or the things which you own today are owned by other tomorrow. That's what previously said in " Baghavat Gita ".

                                Only Love is permanent, the amount of love which you show is definitely unique.,,, No one can compete that. Of course it varies from person to person, as it depends on their Character/ Behavior/ Known sins/ Unknown Good Things . . .  

                                 Well I forgot to say ! this foto was taken in Tulips Garden - Netherlands, one of the amazing place in the world for Flower Gallery . . .