Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eifel National Park

                               The Eifel National Park - Heimbach. Its a Hilly place which is present in the state of North Rhine West Phalia in Germany, It is very much suitable for the trekking and relaxing ... It is a best place to get amazing fotography of the Nature !!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Vienna Museum

                                  The biggest Museum in Vienna. It has amazing specimens of all sorts of Stones/Gems . . . . It also had a specimen of 288 karat Diamond from south africa . . . 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I want to meet the Truth

                               In this world few things are very rare to find, like a cold fog above the river bed, the falling of a dew drop from leaves and so on,,... Most importantly - A true man speaking Only the Truth... I had never seen a person "who speaks only the truth". . . If you know any one just let me know, Because I want to meet him/her ! :-)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ups & Down

                       Everything which go up has to come down one day and one which is already up has to come down the other day ! This is pre-written and nothing can be erased or to rewrite ! This is applicable in everybody's Life . . .

Monday, June 21, 2010

You are d 1 . . .

                               In this WORLD, all are born to attain a Destiny ! But finally only few intend to achieve it, very few has the desire to achieve it, and only one Resist even the Happiness still after, it reaches Him. But the fact is that -
" If an expected happiness comes in an expected time, then whoever it may be - they forget to Thank God ".
I am 200% sure this happens in many cases. One who Thank the God even after reaching the Goal (Every time), Really stands tall than any one in the world!!!
                              In the snap - a Poor fellow posing in a funny way, and It was shot very well in my camera by my friend Hari Prasad in a trip to Koblenz, Germany. My hat in tht Picture was off to him for tht picture !!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Know your Mistakes and Correct it !

                            Your shadow depicts your Mistake ! and Light depicts your Lifetime, As the background Light (Lifetime) increases, Your shadow (Mistakes) increases. . . So you will be highlighted in Public easily! The more you do Sin, the more your shadow brings your name out! You can be popular only if your name does not comes out !!! So do less sin and Save your name and dignity !!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life is Pleasurable/Painful, All in our hands !!!

                           If you have the spirit of Understanding every thing and taking it in a proper way, You will enjoy every second of the Life whether it is " Pleasurable or Painful " . . . I am enjoying, Hope you too . . .

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nobody has Everybody ! But Somebody will be there to Everybody...

When I don't know what is Truth, Everybody was around me, But when I came to know the truth - No one was around me. . .  

This Picture was taken at Hamm (Temple), a place in North Rhine West Phalia-Germany ! It was taken on December 19th, on which the temple was fully covered by snow as the temperature was -19 degrees...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pitiful Flower

                           I can't be like every one, Every one can't be like me. But I like every one nevertheless every one don't like me! Hmmm a small feeling of this unspoken Flower !!! It wept to me, Since it can't speak with all . . ..,
                          Sunflower is yellow in color but how come this beautiful Pink sunflower is unseen ? !

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No Pain No Gain

                               Normally new Energy in our body, is generated only when we are getting tired, this is a 100% proved fact ! Similarly when you get a Failure it means Success is generating, So you have to wait until it reaches you ...
If there is no Pain then there will be no Gain.,
Like wise this flower is also going to reach the blossoming stage which is the ultimate meaning towards its living... Though it knew that it is going to die in a day, but still it takes many days to blossom !
So wait until you meet the success . . .

Monday, June 7, 2010

4D's in my Life . . .

                            Always the path towards the destiny would be like the above photo,
But the Destiny looks small, if you are slightly away from it...
When people reach closer to their destiny, they find it to be so high and drops their determination, and returns back !
If they does so, the ultimate meaning of their living itself goes in Vain!(Which they realize later) & these things has to be understood/ experienced and not to be said by others ...
When I was 10 year old, in my school during Prayer assembly – Principal/Dean said the below words to me which I followed, following and will follow in my LIFE . . .
“ In life Three D’s are important at any point of time, 3 D’s are Determination, Dedication, and Devotion ”…
But then I realized without the 4th D – Destiny, the three D’s are useless. And now am here !
So 3D is Important, 4th D is Most important ! . . . 

Friday, June 4, 2010

On a Light Sunny Day !

                                  Nothing Special about this Picture ! I took it yesterday around 9.15 Pm @ Aachen - Germany !!! The three layers are really awesome to see through naked eyes than in a Foto !

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Snow is Not a Problem !

                               The problems in Life are as small as this Snow, but it always shows out in a maximized version. It always matters how we take things. Of course we can feel the effect of snow only when it gets in to our body. Similarly we feel the pain, only if the problem enters our heart. So you have to solve all the problems before it enters the Heart. Problems are always small.
                               I can explain you with a better example: Ant is always small, But if enters the Human ears - You can very well know where you land up ... So Solve the problem - Solve the Life Puzzles...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Keyboard/ Piano

                                This is one of the specimen of an Ancient Piano, which is supposed to have 5 layer of Keys and 5 octaves in each layer. Its being preserved in Mozart Musical Museum in Wien (Vienna)... Hundreds of years before they found such an amazing piece of Musical Instruments . . .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

HomoSapiens !

                                   Don't get annoyed about the image, It is the first aged Homo-Sapiens Skull which is preserved in the Wien (Vienna) Museum. I am very glad to see the image. Of course at first I was also shocked ! But we really need to appreciate the way with which they preserve the specimens... Simply Amazing . . .