Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Never show up Face Like this !!!

                                  Never show up Face Like this !!! - Or else you would end up in receiving the same !

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Weekend

                                  Have a Peaceful weekend ! Less Tension, More Peace !!! :-)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Universal fact

                                Life is Game Show ! At times the People at top tend to go down and People at Bottom tend to reach the Pinnacle in no time. This is the Universal fact ! You never know when it happens, but definitely it will happen !

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


                                  Only in certain places Rainbow tend to form ! Likewise this Rainbow needs a path to form itself ! So upon Human we need a path to shine ourselves... Just to remain as a Path or to make it a Better Rainbow, Everything lies is in our Hands...

Monday, September 13, 2010

House of Unbreakable !

                           In this Crazy World, People either fight for Money or for Land/ Buildings. Very few fight for Prestige and Relationship. I don't have age to speak about Prestige but I can speak about Relationships. I would like to build a house which is unbreakable. Many would first suggest Iron ! Unfortunately it is also breakable in the form of Rust. My house would be embraced by Friends and Well wishers as Foundation, Their Love as Brick and finally Cement full of Relationships. If you give Life to Relationships then each Brick would breathe and Live thats my small opinion ! Though it seems Fantasy - I believe Someday my dream would come True !!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Perception !

                              Lot of things depends only on one’s perception. Very simple aspect, Let us consider the above photograph. Few people thinks that the wave gonna hit them ! But I want to be a Rock to Stop the wave itself !!! If you watch the problem closer then it would be dreadful, If you analyse it from the top - even Tsunami is seen as another wave . . .

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Success !

                          The Slogan of Success which is basically not known to every one,
                                              " Just Try One More Time " . . .

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pure Relations !

                              A bridge is generally held upon both sides! On both ends, the foundation has to be Strong! I don’t know what u people visualize, but up to me I can see the bridge between two hearts/soul (foundations) and so this picture depicts Pure Relations! Everybody will have many parallel bridges running across others! The life time of each bridge depends only on the two foundations (Souls)… If you already have poor relationship with anyone then you won’t mind when the bridge is broken! But you would definitely care and rebuilt the bridge if you are in good relations with certain people!
You are one such to me!!! Hope my bridge Survives with everyone for a longer period of time !!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Müngstener Brücke

                            One of the Biggest Bridge of Europe located In NRW,

Monday, September 6, 2010

SunSet !

On the BEST day or on the WORST day, 
Finally the Sun has to set !
                        So definitely you can't walk away from the World, 
until seeing the Success !!! 

Friday, September 3, 2010


                                I would say, capturing this shot may be easy for an Extra-Ordinary Photographer but not for me ! Though am not an approved Photographer Still I did it, I just click whatever My mind feels & whatever My eye views. The snap was between two successive tides, that too in a very short span of time. I want to make an Impression in the society similar to the Clouds, consequently My hunger for photos proceed until these "Waves Stops" !!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Progressing History !!!

                              Alike the above Bird we the so called “People in the society” need to be well civilized with high Attitudes!
                            “Sky is so High” is a very old Saying, but I would like to rephrase it as “Sky is not so High but we people think very Low” ! Though Sky is at a reachable distance only few are able to achieve it... I want all my friends to reach the Sky!Still I would see You from beneath - Simply to Praise you !!! Atleast one has to be left out to narrate the History . . . 
                             Well this photo was shot at Dunkirk, North See - France, an interesting fact is that I ran behind the bird for some 100 meters and finally clicked it. Though it is comic imagination wise, but I hope the foto is worth for the run !!! 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mahmud of Ghazni !!!

                               Everyone will meet Failure at one point of time; if they want Success then they need to overcome the failure. This is a very "Basic Concept of LIFE"... But what if a guy/girl faces too many failures consecutively, then Just like the above shell they would bury themselves only with Failures. Again, If they have extra ordinary Self-Confidence they would crack all the barriers and come out Successful leaving the rest around them to fade out, very similar to the above fotograph !!!