Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Path is Important for Life

                              When you need a reflection definitely you need to have a smooth surface like water/ glass. For Winning you need to see the path, So the path you take really matters in any case. Similarly if you want to see the Goal, first choose the right path, Definitely is not enough, but it would be a nice start to reach the pinnacle...


Shyama Vijayaraghavan said...

gud one..but, at times, thr r paths unseen like t one beyond tht lake, wich ppl c as an obstacle wen seen frm a far place..hwevr, cross t lake nd go 2 it, it ll turn out 2 b t most beautiful sumtyms!! ;)

Vasanthi sridhar said...

nature has co operated very well and it was patient to give pose to you. sooooper