Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Colorful path

                             If you enjoy the path towards to your destiny, Then the Destiny would always be painful. But if you see and enjoy the destiny, certainly the Path would be engraved with flowers. Even if a thorn appears in between, you won't feel it hard to walk through… In the same way some years later when you turn around and observe your travelled path, I am sure you can find only blossomed flowers not any withered leaves . . .
                            Well I shot this Picture in Tulip Gardens – Netherlands . . . Hope you enjoyed it. 


Unknown said...

Good to see you back

aXs said...

Yeah ThanQ !

Unknown said...

Nice photo..!!!

aXs said...

@hari: ThanQ

Shree said...

nice pick the machan.. :)

aXs said...

@shree: thanQ da . . .

Vasanthi sridhar said...

i am a poor eater by nature. but i am fed full by eyes thru your blogs.nice and strengthful sight to all eyes.