Thursday, May 20, 2010

Theist and Atheist

                                Today’s topic in my Blog is a long debatable topic running for years (Still answer not found in an agreeable manner). May be let me give a try to get a satisfactory answer.
                                       “ God is there or Not ? “ (A very simple topic to Analyze). I would say God is just like dis Flower, The more you water(Believe) – the more She(God) lives.
                                First everyone should understand the question deeply “ God is there or Not ? “. Unfortunately every one tends to answer either Yes or No. But upon my Vision the answer I would say – ‘It is just a Belief’. This is suitable for both Theist and Atheist… If one believes God is there, then God will be there to help him. If one says some superstitious powers are there, then Luck favors him/her. If one believes there is no God, then Hard work favors them. Ultimately one pursues whatever he/she thinks and even attains those by different forms of Belief.
Everything is Pre-written Nothing can be Re-written”…
                               Well If you ask me what are you? I would be glad to answer that I am a strong believer of God. 


Suhas said...

nice blog!

Unknown said...

nice interpretation...

aXs said...

@Suggi: Danke !
@Vallini: Danke !

Vasanthi sridhar said...

the flower is trying to say something, but that hesitation educate us always to be cute by appearance and not to show sorrows outward.