Monday, June 7, 2010

4D's in my Life . . .

                            Always the path towards the destiny would be like the above photo,
But the Destiny looks small, if you are slightly away from it...
When people reach closer to their destiny, they find it to be so high and drops their determination, and returns back !
If they does so, the ultimate meaning of their living itself goes in Vain!(Which they realize later) & these things has to be understood/ experienced and not to be said by others ...
When I was 10 year old, in my school during Prayer assembly – Principal/Dean said the below words to me which I followed, following and will follow in my LIFE . . .
“ In life Three D’s are important at any point of time, 3 D’s are Determination, Dedication, and Devotion ”…
But then I realized without the 4th D – Destiny, the three D’s are useless. And now am here !
So 3D is Important, 4th D is Most important ! . . . 

1 comment:

Vasanthi sridhar said...

very good. u have done the job of 5 th " D " that is " DELIVERY "

your delivery report must be clear in such a way that others should act accordingly' u r doing that.