Thursday, October 21, 2010

To do Right is my Right !!!

                                       This tiny creature recognizes when she desires to drink water. Likewise we Humans necessitate to identify our needs and we merely can satisfy our own Thirst. Though we knew when to drink water, But we don't know when to accomplish certain things. If we do things at right place on right time to right person - We will be remembered forever...


Vidya said...

Last line is beautiful..

Vasanthi sridhar said...

This picture denote a meaningful song of Dr.MGR - UNNAI ARINTHAL --- NEE UNNAI ARINTHAL ULAGATHIL PORAADALAAM .bird's image reflects in water, This bird , trying us to point to see ourselves in us.

Unknown said...

Vasanthi u r wrong. The song refers to the inner consciousness and not the physical appearance

aXs said...

@Vidya: thanQ
@amma: i guess what athimber said is rite !
@athimber: gud one...