Monday, November 22, 2010

Destiny is Above Luck

                                     Life is small Journey on a Big water body! Here everyone are swimming on their own approach and on own tempo. No one has any proper style in swimming but their Final Destiny is well seen. Since Destiny is already seen they never tend to see their path. 
                           Let us consider each and every person sailing on a ship. As they don't know the path they sail on different position. Few sail on the 1st Rectangular path - as the ship cannot cross the barrier - they fail. Few others again sail with the ray of hope on a Triangular path to cross the hurdle and reach the Destiny but again immersed. The third gets the help of water body itself. Now they choose the Star path so that they could catch hold of someone or something and somehow reaches the Destiny. Finally here comes the very few whom choose Luck as the path and reaches the Destiny through Circular path. This does not mean that the Rectangle and Triangle path choosers failed to reach the Destiny - Their Destiny is that. So all that well begun is also ended well. If you choose the Best and Right Path your name remains in heart of People or else it sinks on the water itself :-( 


Vasanthi sridhar said...

Sometimes what we think right , goes wrong ?! is it? so destiny is sinking under water through which i suppose thinking right itself is above destiny.

Anonymous said...

It was probably your destiny that you never to school and our bad/good luck that we have to suffer/enjoy the apparent consequences of your earlier mentioned destiny!!!

Vasanthi sridhar said...

Sorry it was not my personal experience. seen so many incidents, thought may be helpful to any one he / she those he need.