Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thought #021

10 Best moments of Life !
 1.  To touch the fingers of the new born baby !
 2.  You thought of a buying a toy and your dad brings that home on the same day !
 3.  When the mark sheets are distributed in the class and you knew that you did the exam very well !
 4.  Riding a bike on highway when it is raining !
 5.  To see an old friend and things still not changed !
 6.  To speak with a best friend when you are completely stressed out !
 7.  To feel butterflies in your stomach, when you see THAT person !
 8.  Walking alone on a silent road with your favorite song !
 9.  Waiting for a call from the loved one, especially when you are alone !
10. To fall in Love !

Like this countable 10 Best moments, like the stars above, there are countless more moments to experience in Life...

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