Thursday, April 8, 2010


                                This is Nepolean's throne which is preserved in the Louvre Museum - Paris. It was taken by the French Government for a bag full of currency. Similarly they also own the Nepolean's Sword. I mean to say that French government owns the sword owned by Nepolean . . . (Picture Below)


Patrick said...

Samurai swords are much better ;)

Unknown said...

Wow!! cool ancient info and pics da!!.. :-)

aXs said...

@patrick: Yeah true ! but If i had tht photo I wud hav published !
@Sachin: Ya ThanQ !

Sriram said...

ivlo periya aruva va?..

aXs said...

@ sriram : Thts sword ! not aruva !

Vasanthi sridhar said...

i have heard all these. thanks today i saw what i heard.