Wednesday, May 18, 2011


        There is an End for every Beginning,
        At every End you will find a new Beginning. . .
                                                           ---------- So called Life !

You can never find a Starting point or an End point in this Cloud pattern and so is Life.
This Photograph was taken 10,000 ft above sea level from an Alp of Switzerland.


Unknown said...

very true and its amazing that you relate it with life.

malaimel raghavan said...

i always agree with you

Unknown said...

Its 100 % true about life anna

sriram said...

nice photo!

Unknown said...


Vasanthi sridhar said...

no word to say..... NICE

aXs said...

@Vickey: ThanQ,
@Peripa: ThanQ,
@Balu: ThanQ,
@Kishore: ThanQ,
@HP: :)
@Amma: ThanQ...

Dinesh Kumar said...

Hey AWESOME pic da....