Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Saying #006

Life teaches a lot to everyone. Every single person/thing in our life has only two dimensions
1) Good & 2) Bad.
The present world looks only for two things again.
1) What you can get out of others & 2) What others can get because of you.
Yesterday night it stuck in my mind with the four probable possibilities of the above scenario.
             1)     doing Good to others, You are being Good.
             2)      doing Bad to others,  You are still being Good.
             3)      doing Bad to others, now You get backfired with Bad.
             4)      doing Good to others, even after you get back Bad badly.
Definitely every single person falls in one of this category. 
My dad use to tell always: “If you are not doing Good to others, at least don’t think/do Bad to them.
You can never expect, anytime it may backfire at you.”

1 comment:

Vasanthi sridhar said...

me brought up in 4 th. but i want to high light I DO NOT IF I AM CORRECT IN FIRST HALF IN THAT 4 TH SENTENCE ,,,,, DEFINITELY IN 2 ND HALF.