Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Facts #012

Only one letter which makes us fall down from any heights !
" I " should always stay under one's feet !
This letter " I ", is like an elephant. Elephant can be controlled only when you sit over it.
But you might as well know the happenings of an Elephant or an " I " sitting over you...


Sriram said...

Picture perfect...

surya said...

wow super :)

surya said...

amazing one.. true but if we realized when it is needed then all is done :)

akshaya said...

soooperrrrrrr !!!!!!!!! :)

aXs said...

@Sriram: Yeah
@Surya: thanQ
@Akshaya: :)

Vasanthi sridhar said...

I I I I I ,,,, AI AI AI ,,,, Super.Sorry I am unable to deduct I .