Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life goes on . . .

                      I hope Everyone knew Running Race, Life is also the same. One knew that  He/ She cannot travel long distance without a Break. Here in this Life Race, we make a Break/Rest upon shades of few Friends/ Well wishers/ Relatives. Few people even act as a Bridge between the broken hearts. The best part is that we(It includes me as well) don't realize that they are also travelling on their Life Boat. But, what can we do, God wants to Blend our feelings only with our Beloved ones. So with His Blessing and the Support of the Loved ones(includes you as well) My Life Goes on . . .


sriram said...

though there's a bit of melancholy, its purely touching!!!

Sharanyaa Chandrashekaran said...

Life's like a sailboat. There are many sailboats in the ocean. Some meet, some crash, but a few sail with you when you need them to guide you along! :)

aXs said...

@Ram: ThanQ

aXs said...

@sharanyaa: so u are the one among to guide me :-)