Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Who are you ?

                              The Distance between two flowers of Birth and Death is called as " Life ". The best part is that, the very second before birth and after the death they don't possess anything, except for their Virtue's and Sin's, But in between this small gap what ever they have, they claim it as One's self. It is something complicated to understand, yet it is supposed to be the fact.
                              If you know " What for you are here " then you will come to know " Who you are "... Until then we will be similar to pets which has its own name and does its work as per Masters order!

1 comment:

Vasanthi sridhar said...

learners generally says that READING KNOWLEDGE WILL NOT WORK OUT FOR DAILY LIFE - but as far as your blogs concerned . , and almost all blogs and descriptions regards that says about life which is just opposite to the above statement.