Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pure Relations !

                              A bridge is generally held upon both sides! On both ends, the foundation has to be Strong! I don’t know what u people visualize, but up to me I can see the bridge between two hearts/soul (foundations) and so this picture depicts Pure Relations! Everybody will have many parallel bridges running across others! The life time of each bridge depends only on the two foundations (Souls)… If you already have poor relationship with anyone then you won’t mind when the bridge is broken! But you would definitely care and rebuilt the bridge if you are in good relations with certain people!
You are one such to me!!! Hope my bridge Survives with everyone for a longer period of time !!!


Unknown said...

that's really true,
hope that our contact hold a lifetime

hari said...


aXs said...

@Bella: ThanQ
@Sabine: Ich Hoffe auch !!!
@Hari: Danke Sehr !