Monday, March 8, 2010

Automatic rotating Marble !

                               This is an Automatically rotating Marble monument sort of a thing. I even don't know what it is named exactly. It is present in Belgium near the Old England Restaurant. The interesting fact about this is that, It was setup in the year 1890 and beneath the ground they had made an arrangement as it can rotate automatically. And the upper half of it rotates in clockwise direction while the lower half remains standstill. So far from 1890 it has not stopped rotating, No power or electricity is being supplied to it. Since i got only half a day to spend across Belgium, I could able to gather only this much information. Hope to collect more info about it soon.


Janani said...

hey dats really surprising abt dis monument...explain more abt dis monument how is it rotating with out any electricity or power.. Is it rotating due to solar power?

i was really missing ur blogs whn u didnt send, u sendall amazing & informative blogs thank you!

aXs said...

@Janani: No power is used here. It is just a calculative mechanical operation.
U r always Welcome...

Shyama Vijayaraghavan said...

simply superb..if u do collect some more info, jus fwd it 2 me tooooooooooo!!!!!!!! :)

aXs said...

@shyama: S madam As you say !

Venkat@Kikka said...

Nice one.. recorded any video ?

aXs said...

@Kikka: Recorded many but no video upload option ...

Unknown said...

good one!

aXs said...

Sharan: ThanQ