Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Natural Life

                      I would say this foto as one of my Best, because it is not so easy to get such a Pleasant picture in your Life time. Am now happy to describe upon the situation of the photograph! On a Sunny day to see a Moon, On an Autumn season - to get such a Scenery of the Greenery, And to reach such a High position like that of Mountains in your life - you definitely require to cross at least a Big huddle like that of a River, If you are not confident enough to cross the River - then you could only be a Spectator by watching others going, When you realize the path to go there, Life would have been gone already. Imaginations are more vast than the Reality. Imagination has many varieties but Finally Reality is Only one. Similarly “ Life is Simple – Help others, God will be there to Help you by Lending his hand by means of a Boat ”… 
Imagination - I meant the reflection on the River, Reality - Is what you see . . . So Wake up !!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I would rather say..this was one of ur best blog u came up with...
I love the way it was critiqued..
Expecting more.....of this kind...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

machan the blog is gud da.. ur rite bot imagination bein more vast than reality!!.. :-)
keep up the cool wrk.. post smthin cool lik these.. next tim wen ur explainin bot a green scenery try postin a more bright scenic picture as the scenery in this pic is dark.. :-)

Unknown said...

This snap is really amazing dude!
I have a copy as well !

aXs said...

@Hari: All with your support & Blessing dude !

aXs said...

@Sachin: ThanQ, with your support & Blessing...