Sunday, March 7, 2010

Eiffel at its Best !

                              I am glad that I had taken this snap. I proudly dedicate this picture to those who taught me how to make a fotograph, I would like to explain the way I took this shot. Without any hesitation, I just lied down on the road in front of the Tower, with my Camera focused towards the Eiffel tower at an angle of 80 degrees approximately, And when I clicked - I was dumbstruck... Still am unable to relieve from the Shock of an extraordinary Snap. It is just Eiffel but the way the foto has turned out - I was bowled out! Rather than saying "Am a Notable Photographer" I would like to say that this foto is the achievement in my lifetime in the midst of photography as one of my Hobby. . .


aXs said...

Hope you all loved it !

Unknown said...

true! :)

aXs said...

@HP : U r missing man ! V cud had enjoyed ... OK v ll do tht in our next trip !

benky said...

that was a good one see u in chennai in another three years

aXs said...

Yes Sure !

Unknown said...

seriously this is one of the best natural pics i hav cm across til now.. super cool wrk da.. :-)

aXs said...

@sachin: ThanQ

Janani said...

gud pic with wonderful lightings!!